Coping with Depression During a Pandemic

Life is beginning to resemble the plot of a sci-fi or apocalyptic film, akin to 28 Days Later or Contagion. Most of us never expected that our lives would be so disrupted by a respiratory disease. But here we are, barely out of a lockdown and very likely facing another one soon. Our lives have changed practically overnight and it doesn’t seem that things will be reverting back any time soon. If you weren’t struggling with depression or anxiety before the pandemic, you’re certainly struggling with it now. And if you were already suffering from mental health issues, then you might have noticed an exacerbation of your symptoms since this pandemic began. We all feel like we’ve lost some control in our lives, which is why I’ve come up with this list of ways to help cope during such strange times.

  1. Many of us have faced job loss, and with that comes having a lot more time on your hands. However, you might feel like there isn’t much to do with said time now that many businesses are closed or running at half capacity. Or, it could be a blessing in disguise—we just have to get a little creative. Is there a project you’ve been meaning to get to, but keeping up with a full-time job and busy schedule never allowed the time for it? Well, now you have that time! Start writing that novel, repaint your home, learn to knit, or repurpose old furniture! Keeping busy with a fun project is a great way to distract yourself from negative thoughts. Because, as they say, idle hands are the devil’s playground.

  2. If you haven’t faced job loss, that means you’re an essential worker, which ultimately means there’s a lot more pressure on you. Now there’s the added anxiety of being exposed to COVID-19 while at work, covering shifts for people who have fallen ill, and many changes to your work routine as businesses accommodate to creating a safer environment. All these changes cause stress, which lead to burn out and fatigue. To prevent this from happening, or to manage it when it does, allow yourself 30 minutes before or after work to do something for you. This could mean going for a walk in the morning before work, taking a long bath, cooking a delicious meal, or catching up on your favorite show. It sounds very simple, but it makes a difference; we can often lose ourselves in the routine of work and doing chores. We end up in auto-pilot and suddenly we’re left with no vigor for life.

  3. Check in with yourself multiple times a day. Whether you have too much or too little going on right now, most of us don’t pay attention to what our body is trying to communicate to our mind. We might be fatigued, but continue to push ourselves because we don’t realize it. This is a recipe for a major crash. That’s why it’s important to stay in tune with the mind-body connection. And it’s as simple as asking yourself “how am i feeling?” a few times throughout the day.

  4. Buy yourself some house plants! We’re stuck at home right now, so liven up your space with some nature. Many plants help purify the air, eliminating allergens and absorbing humidity. Studies have also shown that taking care of plants promotes mental well-being, as it gives us a purpose.

  5. Re-connect with friends you have lost touch with. It can be a lonely time right now, as it still isn’t safe to attend large social gatherings. But now there are so many platforms we can communicate through. So if you’re feeling down or lonely, reach out! it’s very likely the person you’re thinking about reaching out to is also a bit down. We need each other right now.

  6. Restaurants, malls, and amusement parks may not be open, but nature is all around us! Go outside and enjoy what Earth provides us. it’s been demonstrated that more time spent in nature is associated with less stress and better overall health.

  7. If you’re still struggling with feelings of depression and anxiety, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional. It’s ok to admit you can’t do it all on your own.


Depression, Anxiety, and Food


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